Our Approach


We are dedicated to helping
our clients:

  • Invigorate their highest aspirations and capabilities
  • Infuse their culture with healthier conversations, relationships and practices
  • Find the courage and compassion to address what’s in their way
  • Thrive in chaos and uncertainty

Research-Based, Reality Driven

We invest significantly in following current research and in developing new ideas and practices in the fields of complexity science, change, organizational development, positive psychology, neuroscience and leadership. We are committed to designing consulting engagements that meet our client’s needs and culture. Sometimes we use proven, traditional approaches, other times we use cutting edge approaches, and at times our client’s circumstances become ‘the mother of invention.’

Powerful Questions, New Paradigms

Sometimes the problem is not the issue, but how it is seen. We help our clients look at situations differently and thus see options that were not evident to them. Some clients need to learn a systems perspective, to see the forest along with the trees. Other clients need to understand better how the organization is experienced from the front line vantage point. And most clients need to learn to test their assumptions and beliefs, and to expand their capacity to manage the paradoxes and complexities of today’s work environment. At Aliniad, we are masterful at asking questions within our clients’ world view that can only be answered from an expanded paradigm. And once our clients’ thinking has shifted, they become more adept at expanding their skills and impact.

Trusted Partners, Custom Solutions

Even healthy organizations have real needs that benefit from external expertise. Real needs generate energy, drive creativity, and fuel commitment to learning and action. We are adept at helping clients identify core and underlying issues, and at navigating symptoms and resistance to reach the essence of a complex situation.

We co-create with, and invest in, our clients. We put special emphasis on contracting – developing explicit agreements about what we are going to do, our mutual roles, and how we will communicate throughout each engagement. We are straightforward with our clients when investment in our services is unnecessary or untimely. We summarize our agreements in writing. We ask for feedback along the way to make sure we are on track and to ensure that clients know we want and value their feedback. We build and maintain strong relationships and model what we teach. Our clients tell us they most value our services because we focus on their specific and unique needs rather than on our own products or professional interests.